I aten’t dead, yet!
Well, The fourth book of the Cataclysm is now out… Thanks Dymocks! I’ve been waiting so long for this!
The world does not "go back" to the way it was before though… Oh well…
Oh, And NWPPS and NWROCIG, They are going along fine, just don’t get me started on the BUGS that AROSE BECAUSE I TRUSTED THAT M$ NEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING IN VS2005, CLEARLY NOT! BUGS GALORE!
THANK GOD for blogs.
Oh and LOST, I wish it would come back on in October, I also wish that channel seven would show Stargate SG1 at a reasonable timeslot, With Atlantis following, as they are meant to be played together (SG1 Series 9 and Atlantis Series 2)
FINAL FANTASY 12! Coming soon, It got 100% in a Japanese gaming magazine (well 40/40, but still) It looks good. Stay tuned for my verdict!
My final shout NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2, What more can be said?